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AW130 - Elizabeth Hunt Barrett Framed Oil on Canvas Painting - Fence Line

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Estimated Shipping Cost: $80 - $120

Artist: Elizabeth Hunt Barrett

Age: 1900 - 1950

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Unframed Dimensions: 14-1/2" x 18-1/4"

Overall Dimensions: 18" x 22"

TITLE: Fence Line

FRAME: Original Period Frame

COMMENTS: Early 20th Century oil on canvas with impasto painting laid on board signed lower right, "E Hunt Barrett". Housed in what looks to be the original period frame. The painting canvas is not attached to the original back board which is still held in place by the original finish nails.

Elizabeth Barrett (1863 - 1955), listed New York artist known for her landscapes. Exhibited with the American Watercolor Society and the  Art Institute of Chicago.

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