Question: Can I get a shipping quote before I purchase an item?
Answer: Yes, for most items we can provide you with a shipping quote prior to purchasing an item. First, you must provide us the following information as most of these factors will determine the total shipping cost:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Commercial or residential location?
- Sidemark
- Lift gate required at receiving location?
- Uncrating services required?
- Inside delivery required?
- Number of flights of stairs if any
Question: Can I return an item if I decide I don’t like it after receiving it?
Answer: The answer is No.
Please carefully read our Return / Refund Policy:
Because most of our products are rather large, heavy and bulky we encourage our customers to thoroughly investigate and have answered all questions regarding a potential purchase prior to purchasing. We strongly encourage our customers to come to the showroom to personally inspect each item carefully. If a personal visit is not feasible, then we suggest that the customer requests a Condition Report and as many photos and /or videos as it takes to completely satisfy themselves as to the nature and condition of their purchase. The cost of shipping for such large, heavy & bulky items is so expensive that any mistakes in purchasing can create a financial burden on both parties when items have to be returned. For these reasons the Return / Refund policy for Work of Man is that “All Sales are Final”. No returns and/or exchanges are allowed without the express written authorization of Work of Man Studios. Any returns and/or exchanges allowed will be at the sole discretion of Work of Man Studios.
Work of Man Studios does from time to time allow customers to take items out on approval but only on a one by one case basis and always approved in writing in advance.
Question: Does Work of Man Studios restore antiques?
Answer: Yes, we restore antique furniture, lighting and art in our on site workshops.
Question: If I purchase a piece of unrestored antique furniture from Work of Man Studios will you restore it for me?
Answer: Yes, let us know what you would like to have done to the piece and we can quote you a price to have the work done in-house prior to shipping / delivery.
Question: If I have a piece of unrestored antique furniture will you restore it for me?
Answer: Yes, send us photos and let us know what you would like to have done to the piece and we can quote you an estimate for doing the work in-house. The final estimate for the work cannot be quoted until we have the piece physically in our workshop and we can thoroughly inspect it.
Question: If I am looking for a specific type of items and I don’t see it on your website will you help me located it?
Answer: Yes, send us a detailed description and photos (if possible) of what you’re looking for and we will add it to our “Hunt List”.